1. Choose your resin first
  2. Find your printer
  3. Take our parameter recommendation from the table

InovaPrint print parameters for Ackuretta soon available in the Alpha AI software settings.

Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min) LED POWER
0.100 5,0 – 6,0 4 50 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
0,070 4,5 – 5,5 4 45 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
0.050 4,0 – 5,0 4 40 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 7,0 – 8,0 4 35 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0,070 6,5 – 7,5 4 30 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 5,5 – 6,5 4 25 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 19,0 – 22,0 4 120 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.070 17,0 – 20,0 4 110 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 15,0 – 18,0 4 100 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 6,0 – 7,0 4 30 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.070 4,5 – 5,5 4 25 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 3,5 – 4,5 4 20 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180

InovaPrint print parameters for Ackuretta soon available in the Alpha AI software settings.

Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min) LED POWER
0.100 6,0 – 7,0 4 50 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
0,070 5,0 – 6,0 4 45 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
0.050 4,5 – 5,5 4 40 1 0 10 7 5 40 180 100%
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 5,0 – 6,0 4 35 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0,070 4,5 -5,5 4 30 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 4,0 – 5,0 4 25 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Rest Time After Retract (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 14,0 – 15,0 4 120 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.070 12,0 – 13,0 4 110 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 10,0 – 11,0 4 100 1 0 10 7 5 40 180
Layer Thickness (mm) Exposure time (s) Bottom Layers (count) Bottom Exposure Time (s) Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Light-Off Delay (s) Bottom Lift Distance (mm) Lifting distance (mm) Bottom lift speed (mm/min) Lifting speed (mm/min) Retraction speed (mm/min)
0.100 4,0 – 5,0 4 30 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.070 3,0 – 4,0 4 25 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180
0.050 2,5 – 3,0 4 20 1,15 0 10 7 5 40 180

Dear customer,

we are on Christmas vacation. Orders will not be processed again until 07.01.2025.

Thank you for your understanding.

Your HPdent Team