Ceramic | Diamond grinding tools
34,70 € – 60,90 €
plus shipping costs and VAT.
What makes YelloStone special? The high content of fine diamond particles facilitates efficient removal and smoothing of all ceramic restorations in dental technology. A unique binder absorbs all the heat in the process and fractures are eliminated as the crown remains cool.
The diamond and abrasive matrix offers an enormous lifespan, up to 5 times as long!
The fine grinding pattern becomes a satin glossy, natural result in no time with P3.Polish!
HPdent GmbH
Hauptstr. 99 / Geb. 66
78244 Gottmadingen
PHONE: +49 7731 16 95 8-0
FAX: +49 7731 16 95 8-99
HPdent GmbH
Hauptstr. 99 / Geb. 66
78244 Gottmadingen
PHONE: +49 7731 16 95 8-0
Fax: +49 7731 16 95 8-99
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