Glass fiber-epoxy hybrid | Strong and light as a feather
198,00 € – 250,00 €
plus shipping costs and VAT.
No more implant-supported prostheses weighing several tons with simultaneous optimal distribution of occlusal forces.
TriLor® is a fiber-reinforced composite material for All-on X implant-supported bars and superstructures. TriLor® scores with enormous strength, but also maintains natural bending and loading parameters. The physical parameters are like the properties of human bone.
TriLor® offers biomimetic dentistry a definitive, metal-free bar and framework solution that is esthetic, incredibly lightweight and extremely durable. The high multi-directional glass fiber content guarantees not only enormous stability, but also a natural load distribution.
The modern way of framework design!
The indestructible basis for esthetic “overlays” with zirconium oxide, Emax®*, Crystal Ultra®*, composites and resins. TriLor® loves them all.
*not a trademark of HPdent GmbH
HPdent GmbH
Hauptstr. 99 / Geb. 66
78244 Gottmadingen
PHONE: +49 7731 16 95 8-0
FAX: +49 7731 16 95 8-99
HPdent GmbH
Hauptstr. 99 / Geb. 66
78244 Gottmadingen
PHONE: +49 7731 16 95 8-0
Fax: +49 7731 16 95 8-99
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